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Occupy Cultural Media is a grass roots organization that serves to protect children from the hypersexualization and objectification of women and children in the media. Federal regulation and enforcement must be implemented to control this usurping of a child’s right to healthypsychological and physical development. We also seek, through open national conversation and public protest, to shield children from adult subject matter marketed to them in the mass media and public spaces. Adopting sound sex and relationship education that guides children is also our mission.

It is our goal to serve as a unifying force for ancillary groups pursuing similar objectives. We recognize the power of social media and public gatherings and will tirelessly use them to achieve these goals.

Occupy Cultural Media does not accept funding from corporations. We are not affiliated with any particular ideology. We are simply a children’s advocacy group.

The restriction of advertising to children under the age of 12 through the creation of an Advertising Standard Authority to work with the Federal Trade Commission and Federal Communications Commission that will: Regulate the hypersexualized imagery that mainstream media promotes in print and on air.

Sex and Relationship Education (SRE) in all public schools to protect children from harm. SRE gives them important knowledge of their own bodies and helps them to identify inappropriate and unsafe behavior or experiences and encourages them to get help from trusted adults if necessary.

Support for ratification of the Convention for the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the addition to Article 17 of : “ Children have the right to be protected from hypersexualized and exploitative imagery in mass media and public spaces.”
CONTACT: OccupyCulturalMedia