by | Sep 6, 2013 | Blog, Media Exploitation Gallery
A quick reader on why military intervention in Syria is a big mistake–and what we should be advocating instead. Since Syria has not attacked the United States and the UN Security Council hasn’t authorized any international military action, a U.S. strike on Syria would...
by | Jul 28, 2013 | Blog, Media Exploitation Gallery
“We are starting to look death in the face with these indeterminate SHU terms,” wrote Lorenzo Benton on July 8, 2013. “Looking death in the face, isolated from family and friends and with no meaningful contact with others is a lonely experience that...
by | Jul 14, 2013 | Blog, Media Exploitation Gallery, Racism
What would JUSTICE look like for Trayvon? A jury in Sanford, Florida has found George Zimmerman not guilty of murdering Trayvon Martin. SIGN THE DOJ PETITION NOW I know I am not alone in my outrage, anger, and heartbreak over this decision. When a teenager’s...