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Threats to Your Vote

12 threats to your vote Intimidating letters. Pressure from employers. Phony mailers. Dirty tricksters are trying to steal the election (FROM SALON) BY ALEX SEITZ-WALD With just 10 days left to go until the election, this is where the campaign can get a bit sketchy as...
Will Rove Trick U.S. Voters?

Will Rove Trick U.S. Voters?

Watch Karl Rove twist the law to produce ads that don’t have to disclose the donor due to the protection of a Non-profit status called 501(c4) status. This legal maneuver could prove lethal to a gullible public. Watch this in-depth report on how the electorate...
Egypt Rising Up

Egypt Rising Up

By DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK Egypt’s military rulers and the Muslim Brotherhood escalated their confrontation on Friday as the generals threatened to use “the utmost firmness” to preserve their authority and the Islamists presented a reunited front with some of their...

Internet Privacy

Please watch this program and see how those in the know behave around computers and cell phones. Also download the free TOR program Link Below. More Secrets on Growing State Surveillance: Exclusive Part 2 With NSA Whistleblower, Targeted Hacker DOWNLOAD TOR NOW!!...