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Prince of Peace in the Land of Guns

Celebrating the Prince of Peace in the Land of Guns Posted: 12/24/2012 9:00 am After watching the deranged, delusional National Rifle Association press conference on Friday, it was clear that the Mayan prophecy had come true. Except the only world that was ending was...

Rolling Jubilee

Rolling Jubilee: Buying Up Distressed Debt, Occupy Offshoot Bails Out the People, Not the Banks WATCH THIS An offshoot of Occupy Wall Street has launched a new movement called “Rolling Jubilee” to buy distressed debt from financial firms, often for pennies...

Poor Electorate Disenfranchised

A Swing State Disenfranchises Its Poor Electorate By Aura Bogado As we noted on Thursday, the issue of poverty was conspicuously missing from the first presidential candidates’ debate. While the term “middle class” was traded more than thirty times between Obama...

The Next Great Depression

The Beast Is Starved: Welcome to the Next Great Depression by John Atcheson From Common Dreams Since Reagan, Republicans have been on a “starve the beast” campaign – by which they mean eviscerate the government by taking away as much revenue as they can....