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Sick of Violence

Sick of Violence

It has been just one week since the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre took place and many of us are still numb to the horror of what happened. My question is, are we brave enough to step out of our comfort zones, suspend all judgments, look long and hard at the big...

Rolling Jubilee

Rolling Jubilee: Buying Up Distressed Debt, Occupy Offshoot Bails Out the People, Not the Banks WATCH THIS An offshoot of Occupy Wall Street has launched a new movement called “Rolling Jubilee” to buy distressed debt from financial firms, often for pennies...

Threats to Your Vote

12 threats to your vote Intimidating letters. Pressure from employers. Phony mailers. Dirty tricksters are trying to steal the election (FROM SALON) BY ALEX SEITZ-WALD With just 10 days left to go until the election, this is where the campaign can get a bit sketchy as...
New Zealand’s Example

New Zealand’s Example

Let’s take a look at the impact of decriminalizing prostitution in New Zealand. They have allowed decriminalized prostitution since 2003. Below is a summary of recent news reports on the topic. Please go to original article to read ARTICLE LINKS: A review of our...

Poor Electorate Disenfranchised

A Swing State Disenfranchises Its Poor Electorate By Aura Bogado As we noted on Thursday, the issue of poverty was conspicuously missing from the first presidential candidates’ debate. While the term “middle class” was traded more than thirty times between Obama...