It has been just one week since the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre took place and many of us are still numb to the horror of what happened. My question is, are we brave enough to step out of our comfort zones, suspend all judgments, look long and hard at the big...
A Rowdy Tale, Told by Cellphone Cameras By STEPHEN HOLDEN From its opening scene, in which a potty-mouthed young stripper masturbates for a paying audience through her bedroom webcam, “King Kelly,” Andrew Neel’s furious satire of fame lust in the Internet age, made me...
Let’s take a look at the impact of decriminalizing prostitution in New Zealand. They have allowed decriminalized prostitution since 2003. Below is a summary of recent news reports on the topic. Please go to original article to read ARTICLE LINKS: A review of our... – Rose Bean Simpson tells us what beauty is and what beauty is not. From a lineage of artists, including Roxanne Swentzell and Nora Naranjo-Morse, Rose was brought up Tewa-Pueblo Indian style. In Artisode 1.3, Rose mixes it up...
Young women who report that their romantic partners look at porn frequently are less happy in their relationships than women partnered with guys who more often abstain, new research finds. The study bolsters some anecdotal evidence that men’s porn use can shake...