by | Sep 6, 2013 | Blog, Media Exploitation Gallery
A quick reader on why military intervention in Syria is a big mistake–and what we should be advocating instead. Since Syria has not attacked the United States and the UN Security Council hasn’t authorized any international military action, a U.S. strike on Syria would...
by | Jun 14, 2013 | Blog, Media Exploitation Gallery
As the Senate Armed Services Committee meets to take up its version of the Defense Authorization bill, senators will likely devote at least as much verbiage to discussion of sexual assault in the military ranks as they do to the finer points of the Pentagon budget...
by | Jun 4, 2013 | Blog, Media Exploitation Gallery
Poetry Magazine’s Landays: Poetry of Afghan Women I call. You’re stone. One day you’ll look and find I’m gone. The teenage poet who uttered this folk poem called herself Rahila Muska. She lived in Helmand, a Taliban stronghold and one of...