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From Sociological Images.. Elliott J. sent in a comic by Kris Straub, who posts at chainsawsuit, making fun of the way that marketers often try to masculinize products that are associated with women, making them safe for men to consume. After reading the comic, I...

Women Loving Women

For the next week, let’s all make a concerted effort to see women as allies instead of enemies; and let’s stop judging other women for their success, their talents or their looks. Before we give a woman walking into a room the once-over and before we start...

Intimacy 2012

This article about a new HBO series entitled, “Girls,” is hardly what we fought for as feminists wanting sexual liberation. It is, however, just what the corporatized sex industry grooms consumers to desire. Women who want to assimilate by imitating...
Use the Sticker

Use the Sticker

RESISTANCE TO OBJECTIFYING ADVERTISING Who needs an excuse to feature public resistance to marketing that is sexually objectifying to women? We include some of our favorites and link to Sociological Images to view more. Enjoy this small sampling of how some fight the...

Ann J. Simonton & Activism Archive

Sports Illustrated Retrospective of Swimsuit Covers Woman Warrior 25th Anniversary Issue Women of the Year Simonton shaves Hair Ms. Magazine Using Consumer Boycott for Social Change Throwing in the Towel by Bruce Horovitz Los Angeles Times, Business San Francisco...