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Sports Illustrated Retrospective of Swimsuit Covers
Woman Warrior

25th Anniversary Issue

Women of the Year
Simonton shaves Hair

Ms. Magazine

Using Consumer Boycott for Social Change
Throwing in the Towel by Bruce Horovitz

Los Angeles Times, Business

San Francisco Examiner
Miss American Shows Her Age

Protests and Scandals lessen popularity

From Ms. Magazine
Miss Steak & other Beauties

Simonton wears Bologna

Life Magazine
Covers Simonton Shaving Hair

Beauty Bristles

New York Times
Film Review of “Miss or Myth?”

Vincent Canby (who wrongly quotes our slogan as, “Dress Meat not Women” rather than “Judge Meat Not Women.” Could he have been hungry and thinking marinade?)

Humorous Feminists
Myth CA Protest History

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Protest Wearing Meat
Stern Magazine


Susan Faludi profiles Simonton
“Miss Teen Covina’s Revenge”

from Mother Jones Magazine

Unpublished Letters
Unpublished Responses to Faludi’s Article on Simonton

Faludi’s article prompted a huge response, the first was mailed to Media Watch and was found recently unsigned, and the second was from Simonton and never published.

Swedish rewrite of Simonton’s Talk
Impact of Media Images on Gender

Fotografisk Magazine, Sweden

Emma Magazine profiles Simonton
Former Model Protests Pornography

German Feminist Magazine

California Magazine
Reports Arrest in Cornflake Box

Tabloid coverage of Simonton’s Street Protest Protest Knocks Locks Off

From Weekly World News.

Women in Advertising
Sexism Still (soft) Sells

San Jose Mercury

Report on Simonton’s Work

Sponsored by Virginia Slims in Japanese.

Beauty is Ageless
Myth CA Poster featuring Miriam Bradley

Slavic publication for Seniors

Media Watch’s Educational Video
Reviews of Warning:The Media May be Hazardous To Your Health

Media Literacy for High School and College level.

Video Review
Library Journal Reviews Don’t Be a TV: Television Victim

Media Literacy program review

Z Magazine published this article Slandering Anti-Pornography Feminists by Ann Simonton

How is this debate being silenced?

Women and Media: Content, Careers and Criticism Chapter by Simonton, entitled, “Women For Sale”

University reader on media, edited by Dr. Cynthia Lont.

USA Today Opinion on Sports Illustrated

Two sides of the debate around sports magazines publishing women in swimsuits.

Simonton Lecture Poster
Sex, Power & The Media

high quality download available here